Our Mission

We are committed to supporting vulnerable children by providing both educational support and the resources necessary for their well-being.

Our Projects

Découvrez nos programmes diversifiés conçus pour autonomiser les enfants défavorisés et les aider à s’épanouir scolairement, tout en répondant à leurs besoins essentiels tels que la santé, la nourriture, et bien plus.

Grâce aux dons, nous pouvons offrir à chaque enfant les ressources nécessaires pour grandir et réussir.

How We Make a Difference

“Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love.”

Mother Teresa

About Mission Child

Mission Child is a non-profit organization committed to supporting underprivileged children in Peru and Nepal through education. We believe that every child deserves access to a quality education and the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Children's empowerment through education

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